Given that the Republicans have created such a mess, given that McCain is such a flawed candidate, why isn't Barack Obama 10 or even 20 points ahead in the polls? My theory is that Obama, even though he symbolizes some things we all yearn for -- change, something beyond bickering political styles, etc. -- he also symbolizes some things we fear: the future (which may include a lesser role for the U.S. in the world), internationalism, youth, non-Christians (never mind that he IS one, he evokes other religions, especially Islam), the Middle East, Asia, Africa, immigrants, our complicated relationship with African-Americans and all other minorities. That's a lot for many people to swallow in one person. I think he's doing so much better with younger voters because they don't fear those things nearly as much -- that's the world they know. He's one of them. And perhaps older women (who support him in fewer numbers) feel threatened because they see him as taking away from their time. It's a fact that white women have benefited more from affirmative action than African-American men. This breaks that paradigm. It must have been a very interesting choice for African-American women when Hillary was still in the game (although some would like to think she is). I hope someone studies that demographic group, because they're the ones who had to choose solely on issues beyond race and gender.
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