Friday, August 22, 2008

Curious Factoids from our Speakers

*Seven of the last ten presidential elections were won by Republicans
Prof. Tom Cronin

*Some elections are about issues, some about character and some about the political party; this one will be about all three.
Prof. Tom Cronin

*"The only one really comfortable with change is a wet baby." Do we really want change?
Prof. Michael Genovese

*There are two bold strategies:
1) Solidify your base, appeal to independents, and then move to the center for the undecideds
2) Solidify your base and then expand your base (the Karl Rove model)
Obama can't do either one until he solidifies the base, which must be done at this convention
Prof. Michael Genovese

*This convention will have an economic impact on Denver of $150-200 million. It will cost about $40 million, all of which was raised from private donors. The city was given $50 million from the justice Department for security.
Elbra Wedgeworth, President/Chair of the Denver Host Committee

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